“Market: Echoes” duo rotkäppchen
Following the weekly market, otte1 offers events from the fields of visual arts (Nachbild), literature (Nachlese) and music (Nachklang) at irregular intervals.
As part of the Provinzlärm-Festival, there will be two performances by duo rotkäppchen on Saturday, 25.02. 2023, at the Künstlerhaus, Ottestr. 1, 12.30 pm / 1.30 pm. The duo is an Austrian-based multimedia collaboration between composer Alisa Kobzar (Ukraine) and dancer and choreographer Lisa McGuire (Austria). They have been creating art projects together since 2019. During the performances, the audience is literally immersed in the multimedia experience that the two create.
The basis of their work is non-verbal communication between dance, music and visuals using human-to-human and human-to-computer interaction models. For each piece, they develop a specific vocabulary of “action-reaction chains” that allows them to naturally incorporate sound, image and movement improvisations into live performance. They experiment with movement and sensor systems, immersive audio solutions and live video projection. The performances of duo rotkäppchen are multi-layered, charged with multiple levels of meaning and open to many interpretations.