Dream of Travelling

On Saturday, 13 July 2024, we will introduce a new scholarship holder after the weekly market.

Sunčica Pasuljević Kandić comes from Serbia. She is a guest of otte1, the Schleswig-Holstein Künstlerhaus, for 3 months.

She is a media artist, cultural worker and researcher who lives and works in Novi Sad. There she teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts as an assistant for new media art. From 2012 to 2017 she was a project manager at the Institute for Flexible Cultures and Technologies – NAPON. She has organised readings, workshops, festivals and conferences in Finland, Brazil, Spain and France.

As an artist and cultural worker, she has been able to fulfil her dream of travelling. The world is a big place and the dream is not so easy to fulfil, so she has engaged in all kinds of travelling: Travelling to distant imaginary places through intense conversations, through landscapes charged with emotions and with the help of communal fantasies. She explores places using psychogeography as a method, i.e. by wandering around she finds out what influence the architectural or geographical environment has on perception, her own psychological experience and behaviour.

Admission is free.

Be curious.